Wednesday, January 8, 2014


                                                                 Computer Data:

To help realise computers it is best to first discover about computer facts and figures. Computer facts and figures is information required by the computer to be adept to operate. It is used to:

  • Run programs - This is the genuine executable program data that the computer will execute to run the program such as Microsoft Word.
  • shop program or scheme configuration data.
  • shop data that the computer client needs such as text documents or other documents that are affiliated with the program the computer user is running. A widespread example of a program the computer client is running is the Microsoft agency suite of products which encompass Microsoft phrase, Microsoft Excel, and others. These programs are furthermore renowned as submissions.
Data Structure:

Computer facts and figures is in what is called binary format. This means that it is always a 0 or a 1. It only has these two states and should be in one of them.

There are several basic facts and figures flats which encompass:

  • Bit - A facts and figures unit which should be in one of the two binary states described overhead. It is the least significant facts and figures unit that exists.
  • Byte - 8 morsels of facts and figures which has a possible worth from 0 to 255.
  • phrase - Two bytes or 16 morsels of data with a likely unsigned worth from 0 to 16535

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